The Kansas Oral Health Snapshot features data about the economic and educational status of county residents, as well as information about the oral health challenges and resources for each of our state’s 105 counties. Regional use of emergency rooms for dental pain and community water fluoridation status are highlighted. The Snapshot also contains descriptions of Medicaid and CHIP dental services in Kansas, common consequences of untreated dental disease, and oral health in the Head Start program and for older adults. Download the entire Snapshot or just one county.

Kansas Oral Health Connections sponsored this county-level oral health data book. The partners in Kansas Oral Health Connections are Oral Health Kansas, KDHE Bureau of Health Promotion, Kansas Head Start Association, Kansas Association for the Medically Underserved, Kansas Dental Association, and Kansas Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics. Kansas Oral Health Connections and this Snapshot are supported by the DentaQuest Foundation.

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