Oral Health Kansas has established several programs/services designed to support people’s needs for individualized and specialized oral health care.  These include partnering with state and local agencies serving youth and adults with physical, developmental, and mental conditions. OHK distributes oral health public awareness and educational materials, as well as conducting educational workshops and seminars for staff and individuals.  

Overarching Goal:
To improve the oral health of adults with disabilities

  • To advocate for oral health services for people with disabilities with Kansas Legislators, state government leaders, and community agencies serving adults with disabilities
  • Provide staff and caregiver oral health workshops to increase the knowledge, skills and confidence to support practices that maintain good oral health for adults with disabilities
  • Increase access to professional dental care for adults with disabilities by offering continuing education opportunities
  • Involve Kansans in planning and program development by facilitating Kansas Oral Health Council for People with Disabilities


Resources for people with mobility challenges

Adaptive Aids for Toothbrushing:
Resources for Adaptive Aides
A healthy mouth is essential for overall health. People with disabilities are more likely to experience dental problems when a daily hygiene routine is not practiced. Here are some products that can help you adapt your toothbrushing routine.
Available for free download: Resources for Adaptive Aids

Toothbrushing booklet:
CHANGING IT UP: How to keep toothbrushing in your routine when experiencing limited mobility
Toothbrushing is an essential activity that everyone must practice daily to stay healthy. When body movements are limited, effective toothbrushing can be a challenge. Here are some ideas to improve the way you care for your teeth, because poor oral health can lead to health issues that range from annoying to serious.

This document is copywritten. Please contact us for bulk pricing.
Preview the booklet here:
To view the full screen click on the square icon in the lower right corner of the flipbook area when your mouse hovers there.

Feeling Good About Your Smile
Oral Health Kansas is excited to offer a fun, new oral health workshop for adults with intellectual disabilities.

    The 60-minute workshop includes:
  • 15 colorful slides
  • Engaging conversation
  • 5 hands-on activities
  • Free toothbrush storyboard mirror cling

Participants will have fun while gaining the knowledge and confidence they need to adopt healthy behaviors that will improve their oral health. For more information or to schedule a workshop for your community, please contact:
Oral Health Kansas at 785.235.6039 or

The Lived Experience Advisory Group members prepared a summary of some of the service systems they must navigate in order to access all of the different types of supports and services they need. It is designed for dental offices to help families with referrals they may need such as access to healthy foods or mental health. It is also a way for dental offices to understand the myriad systems people work with. We are sharing the guide for families of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as one of the many ways it is important to ensure people with disabilities to have barrier-free access to what they need.


Use these online videos for tips on teaching people how to brush their teeth and how to have a successful dental appointment.

Brushing the Teeth of Others

Individualizing dental care for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
This webinar was designed to demonstration oral health dental services that respond to needs of children and youth with autism, but many of the techniques used by the dentist are applicable for adult dental care as well.


Smiles for a Lifetime
A comprehensive oral health care program for older Kansans being served by Area Agencies on Aging. For more information,

Conference Presentations
Special Considerations for Special Conditions: Dental Care for People with Disabilities - Oral Health Kansas 2013 Conference
Ray A. Lyons, DDS, FADPD, DABSCD, Chief of Special Needs Dental Care, New Mexico Department of Health


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