Donate to help us continue our work to advocate for healthy mouths.

Conference On Oral Health
Attend our annual conference and learn about oral health issues in Kansas and national news.

Weekly Wednesday Update
Receive our weekly newsletter and hear what OHK is doing as well as topics around oral health news around the state and national.

Tell Us Your Story
Do you have a dental story you would like to share? Whether it's been a struggle or a success, we want to hear about it.

Sugary Drink Display
Reserve a FREE Sugary Drink Display for up to a month to show everyone how much sugar is in 10 popular drinks!

Lived Experience Advisory Group
If you have Medicaid experience and dental care access issues, join our quarterly virtual meetings.

Medicaid Adult Dental Advocacy
Learn more about the recent changes with Medicaid adult dental.

Acid Attack Kit
The Acid Attack Kit is a demonstration to get people involved in seeing how their food and beverage choices effect their oral health.

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