Why is oral health important during pregnancy?
An “old-wives” tale warned that a woman lost a tooth for each baby she delivered.  This belief is not accurate but yet pregnancy can put a woman’s oral health at risk. Shifting hormones, changes in diet and eating habits, and neglect of daily oral hygiene create an environment for dental decay, gum disease (periodontitis) and dry mouth (xerostomia).

Just as much a concern is the pregnant woman’s reluctance to seek professional dental care, and her medical provider overlooking the importance dental care. In fact, a dental examination during pregnancy and treatment of existing oral disease is an important step toward a healthy pregnancy.

A healthy pregnancy is essential for a healthy baby. When the mother has a healthy mouth, the newborn baby starts out on a path to be free of cavities. The best way to keep children cavity free is to begin early by educating pregnant women about ways to have good oral health for herself, for her children and for her entire family. Here are some resources that might help:

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